Dr. rer. pol. Daniel Metz |
Education |
22.06.1999 | Abitur at Wirtschaftsgymnasium, Westerburg, Germany |
Civilian Service |
07/1999 - 06/2000 | Mobiler Sozialer Hilfsdienst (MSHD) Seniorenzentrum Sonnenhof, Bad Marienberg, Germany |
Study |
10/2000 - 09/2006 |
University of Siegen, Study of Business & Information Systems Engineering (Wirtschaftsinformatik) |
22.07.2002 |
Intermediate Diploma |
04/2006 - 08/2006 |
Diploma thesis in cooperation with Linde + Wiemann GmbH KG, Dillenburg, Germany: Verfahren der Ähnlichkeitsanalyse von Produktdaten zur Unterstützung wissensintensiver Geschäftsprozesse im Produktlebenszyklus |
15.08.2006 |
Diploma (Diplom-Wirtschaftsinformatiker) |
Research Experience |
09/2006 - 02/2013 |
Research Assistant at the Institute of Business & Information Systems Engineering (Wirtschaftsinformatik), University of Siegen, under Prof. Dr.-Ing. Manfred Grauer |
2006 - 2008 |
Business Experiments in GRID (BEinGRID) The BEinGRID, Business Experiments in GRID, project was the European Union’s (EU) largest integrated research project funded by the Information Society Technologies (IST) research, part of the EU’s sixth research Framework Programme (FP6) (http://www.beingrid.eu/). In 25 business experiments, research was carried out by 95 partners (from industry and research) concerning the implementation and adoption of Grid technologies in various industrial application domains (e.g., financial industry, automotive industry). |
2006 - 2011 |
Kinematics Simulation and Collision Analysis of Tri-Axis Transfer Systems and Presses in Sheet Metal Forming In cooperation with the Co.Com Concurrent Computing GmbH, Siegen, and medium-sized automotive suppliers an efficient methodology has been developed to perform collision analysis of tri-axis transfer systems and presses in sheet metal forming. Usually, the design of sheet metal tools in the German automotive supplier industry is a time-consuming and complex engineering process. Because of design faults and/or an unsuitable configuration of peripheral manufacturing equipment, collisions between the manufacturing equipment and the designed multi-staged transfer tool can occur. Consequently, expensive re-design followed by re-working of the existing transfer tool have to be done. |
2009 - 2013 |
AutoEDA – Transparency and Control of Manufacturing Processes in Real-Time Nowadays, business decisions and entrepreneurial leadership tend to be dynamic, volatile and complex. Therefore, a continuous monitoring of enterprise processes, event-driven analysis of (relevant) information flows and deduction of adequate decisions for enterprise management requires technologies, like complex event processing (CEP). In contrast to business decisions, which are commonly analyzing enterprise processes offline (i.e., retrospective), CEP enables (re-) actions to critical process states in (near) real-time. |
2010 - 2011 |
MOLD-CONTROL - Knowledge-Based Control of Molding Processes in Found¬ries by Real-Time Analysis of Product and Process Data Molding technology is an important step in sand casting technology as it considerably influences the downstream processes, especially in terms of productivity, quality, maintenance and other aspects. The main components of the molding technology are the molding machine, molding sand, pattern plates and the molding process itself. The pattern plates are highly constrained by the required component specifications with little or no flexibility to be modified during production. In contrast, the remaining components (i.e., influencing factors) can be monitored and controlled during production to achieve the required performance of the foundry process. In many cases, these influencing factors are modified individually to enhance the performance of the molding process. However, a comprehensive control approach is crucial to incorporate the (complex) correlations among the molding machine, molding sand and molding process. Hence, an event-driven framework for a knowledge-based control of the molding process in foundries by real-time analysis of product and process data has been developed in the research project MOLD-CONTROL. This project was funded by the German Federal Ministry of Economics and Technology (BMWi) as part of the Central Innovation Programme SME (ZIM). The consortium of the multidisciplinary project is formed by researchers and experts from mechanical engineering, informatics, equipment manufacturers, and foundry production. |
Doctorate |
20.12.2012 |
Ph.D. thesis: The Concept of a Real-Time Enterprise in Manufacturing: Design and Implementation of a Framework based on Event-Driven Architecture and Complex Event Processing |
10.06.2013 |
Ph.D. thesis defense |
Industry Experience |
Since 03/2013 |
Teamlead Research & Development, FORCAM GmbH, Ravensburg - Machine data connection (MDC) - Distributed numerical control (DNC) - Traceability in Manufacturing |